Togetherly families, we have exciting new developments in the works that we can't wait to share with you!
A whole new level of help and support is on its way!

School avoidance

Oxbow Academy

Oxbow Academy specializes in sex-specific treatment for boys between the ages of 11–17. The school is one of only a handful of programs specifically designed to offer treatment for sexual behavioral problems, sexual abuse, pornography abuse, sexual reactivity, and other compulsive behavior issues. Young men have come to the program from across the country and the world. At Oxbow Academy, parents who are overwhelmed and struggling to help their teens can find support, understanding, and hope.

Northwest Passage – Prairieview (adolescent females age 12-17)

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Northwest Passage – Riverside (adolescent males ages 12-17)

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New Haven Residential Treatment Center

We are a residential treatment center and boarding school for teenage girls. We empower your daughter with the same skills we would want our own daughters to have to heal from life's traumas. We provide her with residential treatment and advanced academics in a comfortable, home-like environment. Our expert therapists facilitate healing through an emphatic focus on the family, allowing your daughter and family to find peace with the past and move forward as healthy, connected individuals.